Matthew Jones – After more than a decade of doing business successfully in Asia, Matthew turns his focus toward helping others navigate the complex Chinese business arena. He brings useful tips and key concepts that help readers capitalize on his experience. These must-know actionable processes range from the more basic to the most critical things you need to know when dealing with the Chinese. With a background in banking and finance, Matthew brings a real understanding for how to develop international relationships and networks. He has successfully conducted mergers, financing and public listings for Chinese corporations of all sizes.
Joshua Campbell – While working in international public relations and advertising agencies, Joshua has developed a definitive perspective of Chinese business policies, roles and expectations. On a day-to-day basis, he has been involved in strategic planning, extensive research development projects, conducting consumer insight analysis and delivering new business proposals to international clients. With a full scholarship to National Taiwan Normal University, Joshua not only studied Mandarin culture, but also immersed himself in the social, political and economical practices of a culture half